AmigaOS3.5 (572/967)

From:Robin Hueskes
Date:17 May 2000 at 19:58:42
Subject:Re: Does Editpad support text.datatype loading.

Hello Don

On 17-Mai-00, you wrote:

> On 17-May-00, David Rey wrote:
>> Well, I think this is beyond Jochen's ambitions for EditPad in the
>> nearby future, but I have filed your suggestion anyway. :-)
> Could you file away a suggestion to be able to display with line
> numbers? Very useful when an ARexx script has an error in line 147.

This is solved by arexx ;)

rx shownr filename

/* */

parse arg name

call open('work',name,'R')
call open('out','ram:outfile','W')
a = 0
do until eof('work')
a = a + 1
call writeln('out',a readln('work'))
call close('work')
call close('out')
address command
'sys:utilities/multiview' '"'||'ram:outfile'||'"'
'delete ram:outfile'

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